This page highlights a selection of 75 academic papers authored by BionomeeX founders, covering diverse scientific areas with a focus on biology. These papers employ various analytical methods such as datasets, matrices, variance-correlation analyses, and mathematical techniques like logistic regression and Bayesian inference.
The founders delve into genetic and biological analysis, utilizing methods like least squares computations and allele-phenotype correlations, showcasing the impact of mathematics and machine learning in advancing scientific research.
Next Gen GWAS : full 2D epistatic interaction maps retrieve part of missing heritability and improve phenotypic prediction
Carluer JB, Chaux C, Estoup-Streiff C, Roche N, Hosy E, Mas A , Carré C, Krouk G
Genome Biology
PeTriBERT : Augmenting BERT with tridimensional encoding for inverse protein folding and design.
Dumortier B, Liutkus A , Carré C, Krouk G
Full epistatic interaction maps retrieve part of missing heritability and improve phenotypic prediction.
Carré C, Carluer J-B, Chaux C, Roche N, Mas A, Krouk G
Prediction of Hilbertian autoregressive processes: A Recurrent Neural Network approach
André Mas, Clément Carré
Hal Science
Brooks MD, Cirrone J, Pasquino AV, Alvarez JM, Swift J, Mittal S, Juang CL, Varala K, Gutiérrez RA,Krouk G, Shasha D, Coruzzi GM.
Nature Communications
Reverse engineering highlights potential principles of large gene regulatory network design and learning.
André Mas, Clément Carré, Gabriel Krouk.
Nature Communications. PMID: 30952851.
Non-asymptotic Adaptive Prediction in Functional Linear Models,
Brunel, E., Mas. A. and Roche, A.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 143, pp. 208-232.
Combinatorial interaction network of transcriptomic and phenotypic responses to nitrogen and hormones in the Arabidopsis thaliana root.
Ristova D, Carré C, Pervent M, Medici A, Kim GJ, Scalia D, Ruffel S, Birnbaum KD, Lacombe B, Busch W, Coruzzi GM, Krouk G
Science Signaling
GeneCloud Reveals Semantic Enrichment in Lists of Gene Descriptions.
Krouk G, Carré C, Fizames C, Gojon A, Ruffel S, Lacombe B.
Molecular Plant (Cell Press).
High Dimensional Principal Projections,
Mas A., Ruymgaart F.
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 9, 35-63.
AtNIGT1/HRS1 integrates nitrate and phosphate signals at the Arabidopsis root tip.
Medici A, Marshall-Colon A, Ronzier E, Szponarski W, Wang R, Gojon A, Crawford NM, Ruffel S, Coruzzi GM, Krouk G.
Nature Communications. PMID: 25723764.
Process for identifying rare events
Cezar R., Ienco D., Mas A., Masseglia F., Poncelet P., Pudlo P., Székely E, Teisseire M., Vendrell J.-P.,
Inria Hal Science
Minimax adaptive tests for the functional linear model
Hilgert N., Mas A., Verzelen N.
Annals of Statistics.
Gene regulatory networks: learning causalityfrom time and perturbation.
Krouk G, Lingeman J, Colon AM, Coruzzi G, Shasha D.
Genome Biology. PMCID: PMC3707030.
Asymptotics of prediction in functional linear regression with functional outputs
Crambes C., Mas A.
Bernoulli, 19, No. 5B, 2627-2651.
Representation of small ball probabilities in Hilbert
space and lower bound in regression for functional data
Mas A.
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 6, 1745-1778.
Predictive network modeling of the high-resolution dynamic plant transcriptome in response to nitrate
Krouk G, Mirowski P, LeCun Y, Shasha DE, Coruzzi GM.
Genome Biology. PMID: 21182762.